Sports facilities «ACTIVE»
One of the investment projects of the Neklinovsky district has been successfully completed by the individual entrepreneur A. A. Rezvanov. The cost of the investment project for the construction of the sports facilities "Active" was 50 million rubles.
On September 06, 1717 a new sports hall which is meet up to all the modern requirements was inaugurated in the sports and recreational complex "Romashka" situated in the village Zolotaya Kossa.
It`s the geographical location that allows the new sports hall to be used for various local, regional, and federal competitions. Sportsmen have a grate conditions to place, train and compete.
The opening of the sports hall makes new possibilities of year-round sports not only in professionally engaged sportsmen. Attending sports sections on the subscription will be an excellent opportunity to relax, improve health, begin to regularly engage in physical culture and sports for everyone.