In 2019, 26.6 km of Roads to be Repaired in Taganrog and its Vicinities

In 2019, 26.6 km of Roads to be Repaired in Taganrog and its Vicinities

The city will share these kilometers with Neklinovsky and Matveyevo-Kurgansky districts.

According to A. Ivanov, Minister of Transport of the Rostov region, 3.3 billion rubles were allocated from the budgets of two levels to deliver a national project aimed to ensure safe and high-quality motor roads in 2019.

As the minister said, three agglomerations were singled out: Rostov, Shakhty and Taganrog agglomerations. The Taganrog agglomeration includes Taganrog, Matveyevo-Kurgansky and Neklinovsky districts, they will get 510 million rubles in 2019 as part of the project (to repair about 26.6 km of roads). Several criteria were used to select roads subject to repairing: high traffic load, road wear and perspectives to ensure networking among agglomerations.  


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